Express.js vs Koa.js: A Fair and Funny Comparison

June 01, 2021

Express.js vs Koa.js: A Fair and Funny Comparison

Node.js is one of the most popular JavaScript runtime environments thanks to its speed and scalability. But developing web applications entirely from scratch can be time-consuming and error-prone. That's why developers have created many frameworks and libraries to make their lives easier. Two of the most used and acclaimed frameworks in Node.js for building web servers are Express.js and Koa.js. But which one should you choose? Let's find out.


Express.js is currently the most popular web framework in Node.js. It's been around for a long time, and it's the go-to choice for many developers thanks to its simplicity and flexibility. Express.js is built on top of Node.js's built-in http module, but it adds many useful features like middleware, routing, and templating engines. With Express.js, you can handle HTTP requests and responses easily.

Here are some key features of Express.js:

  • Routing
  • Middleware support
  • Template engine integration
  • Error handling
  • Session management
  • HTTP helpers

Express.js is compatible with many other Node.js packages, which makes it easy to integrate with your existing codebase.


Koa.js is a more recent web framework in Node.js, and it's gaining popularity thanks to its modern and minimalist approach. It was created by the same people who created Express.js, but they built it from scratch to address some of the shortcomings of Express.js. Koa.js uses ES6 syntax and generators to simplify asynchronous coding. It focuses more on the core functionality of a web framework and less on extra features.

Here are some key features of Koa.js:

  • Middleware support
  • Async/await flow control
  • Context-based request and response objects
  • Better error handling
  • Request timeouts
  • HTTP helpers

Koa.js depends on fewer external packages than Express.js, which makes it more lightweight and faster to set up.


Now let's compare some of the most important aspects of Express.js and Koa.js:

Feature Express.js Koa.js
Routing Yes Yes
Middleware support Yes Yes
Template engine Yes No
Async flow control Callbacks, Promises Async/await
Error handling Basic Advanced
Performance Slightly slower due to heavy middleware Fast
Learning curve Easy Moderate (requires familiarity with ES6)
Popularity Most popular Growing

As you can see, both Express.js and Koa.js have their strengths and weaknesses. If you need a fast and lightweight web framework with modern coding style and advanced error handling, Koa.js might be your best choice. But if you prefer a more established and feature-rich web framework that's easy to learn and integrate with, Express.js might be better for you.


Here are some sources we used to research and write this comparison:

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